
Imperialism Colonial Rule
 in Asia and Africa




Colonial Rule in South East Asia


The Industrial Revolution created a demand for__________________ _________ that, during the age of imperialism, were often sourced from Africa and Asia which also serves as a _________________ for the sale of finished products.


the industrial revolution created a demand for natural resources that, during the age of imperialism were often sourced from Africa and Asia which also served as a market for the sale of finished products.



Although imperialism began as early as late 16th century, the ‘new imperialism’ began when?


nineteenth century when a new phase of western expansion began


Look at the map of Southeast Asia in 1900. The British controlled where and extracted what raw materials? The US controlled, where and all materials extracted what raw materials? The Germans controlled where and extracted what raw materials?


the British controlled the west side of India, the top of Australia, some on new guinea, and some on Singapore. they  had 2 tea icons, one lumber icon, 2 tin icons, 2 rubber icons, and 1 palm oil icon. 

the US controlled the Philippines, they had 1 coffee icon, 1 lumber icon, and 1 sugar icon. 

Dutch controlled Sumatra, the bottom part of Borneo, and the left side of new guinea. they have 3 spice icons, 8 rubber icons, 2 tin icons, 2 sugar icons, 2 coffee icons, 2 tea icons, and 2 palm oil icons. 

Germany controlled top right side of new guinea. they seem to have 0 icons on there part.







4. Raw materials and markets were motives for imperialism but three other motives included:


motives include, a white man burden (becoming the Superior race sounds really cool if you are these rulers right now), some religious reasons and humanitarian (concerned with or seeking to promote human welfare)





What is a “protectorate”? Briefly, describe how this is a form of imperialism.


protectorate is a state that is controlled and protected by another, the country is being controlled the that ruler or army. it is a slow start to having that country control you over and steal every thing you have. they will also do things there way leaving there culture behind. which is a form of imperialism





on page 452, Glencoe examines the French and English expansion into Southeast Asia. In addition to the causes of imperialism stated in question six, what was another cause of imperialism?


a political imperialism is like when a country put there own king or ruler in place and gets rid of the old one



What two key components of imperialism did the US display in its relationship with the Philippines? New markets for America and to find new raw materials to aide in the Industrial Revolution





What is indirect rule? What were its benefits? Indirect rule is a system of government were local leaders were allowed to keep authority and status. This made access to the region's natural resources easier. Indirect rule was cheaper because fewer officials had to be trained and it affected local culture less.






What is direct rule? What often caused direct rule? When a Country takes over another country and replaces its leaders with one of its own.




Colonial economy was based on the principle of on unequal exchange. What does this mean? Colonial economy did not want local columnists to develop their own industries. It stressed the export of raw materials, which often led to some form of plantation agricultural. Peasants worked as wage laborers on the foreign owned plantations. Plantation owners kept wages low, so profits could be harder. Working conditions at the plantations were often unhealthy and thousands died; peasants also bore the burden of higher taxes.





How did Westernization actually undermine colonial rule? What was this resistance called? They undermine colonial rule through resistance in the resistance was called Westernized Intellects.





Initially, protest towards colonial rule did not advocate independence. What were people attempting to do? They were attempting to protect economic interests or religious beliefs over native peoples.





Empire Building in Africa (from second column on page 461 – 463)

13) Outline from second column on page 461 through page 463.


West Africa


Most of Africa was under European control by 1900. The countries of Great Britain, France, Germany, Belgium, Italy, Spain and Portugal all had rivalries among themselves and placed virtually all of Africa under their control


The Europeans had an interest in West Africa due to the peanuts, timber, animal hides and palm oil.


By the late 1880’s the trade of enslaved people declined and European interests in all their forms of trade increased


In 1874 Great Britain annexed the west coastal states as the first British colony of the Gold Coast. Annexed means, Incorporated, a country with a state. In addition, the British established themselves as the protectorate of Nigeria.


By 1900, the French have added a huge area of French West Africa to its colonial empire in left them in control of the largest part of west Africa. Germany controlled Togo, Cameroon, Southwest Africa and East Africa


North Africa


Egypt have been apart of the Ottoman Empire, but as the Ottoman Empire declined the Egyptians sought independence. Ottoman Army Officer Muhammad. Ali seized power and established a separate Egyptian state.


Muhammad introduced reforms over the next 30 years to bring Egypt into the modern world. He set up a public school system then created small industries to refine sugar, produce textiles and munitions, and build ships


The development of steamships caused the need for a canal in the area


In 1854, French entrepreneur Ferdinand de Lesseps, signed a contract to build the Suez Canal. The canal was completed in 1869. The British took interest in Egypt after the canal opened, it was claimed to be the ‘lifeline to India.’ The British attempted to gain as much control as they could over the Suez Canal area.


In 1875, the British purchased Egypt's share of the Suez Canal. The Egyptian army revolted against foreign influence in 1881, but the British suppressed the revolt and Egypt became a British protectorate in 1914.



South Africa – Affects of Imperialism


I – By 1914, Great Britain, France, Germany, Belgium, Italy, Spain and Portugal have divided up Africa. Liberia had been created for formally enslaved persons as a homeland; these people were from the United States and Ethiopia, which were remained free states.


II – The European Governments use colonial rule in their territories in Africa, as it provided the least amount of effort and expense possible. The British followed this approach by having local governments fly the British flag over official buildings.


III – Indirect Rule was used in the Islamic state of Sokoto, in northern Nigeria beginning in 1903. It did not disrupt local customs or institutions.


IV – The Indirect Rule in this area was essentially a fraud because the British made all the major decisions in the native authorities served to enforce those decisions. It also allowed the old African elite to remain in power, not allowing opportunities for ambitious, young and talented applicants to get ahead


V – The British Indirect Rule allowed for tension between the African tribes and the classes; until the 20th century, when independence came


VI – Other European Nations used a form of direct rule over their African possessions, an example would be a French official being titled ‘Governor-General’ from an appointment from Paris. They would rule from the capital city of the colony.


VII – New leaders emerged in Africa by the beginning of the 20th century; as their people were educated and colonial schools. These people admired Western culture and disliked many of their countries own ways, they were eager to introduce Western ideas and interests to their societies.


VIII – There were a group of these new leaders that did not like foreigners and their contempt for native Africans. Westerners exultant democracy, equity and political freedom, but did not apply these values to their colonies. Native Africans could only have low-paying jobs and businesses owned by Westerners. They lost their former lands, employment, plantations and factories to foreigners


IX – Even middle-class Africans only qualified for menial jobs in the government or Western owned businesses. There salaries were also less than persons of European descent doing the same job.


X – Europeans formed private clubs, schools and churches, as the families and children begin to move into the area. Europeans also addressed Africans by their first names or just called adult males ‘Boy.’ Such treatment led to the educated Africans to feel confused and wanted independence from foreign rule. They admitted to being lacking in many aspects of Western culture, but wanted to control their own nationality and cultural destiny.


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