A river is a natural flowing water that is usually freshwater flowing towards the ocean, sea, lake or another River. In some cases a River may flow into the ground and become dry at the end of its course without reaching another body of water. Water generally collects and forms a River from precipitation, surface runoff or natural springs from underground or snow pack. Many human settlements surround rivers because they contain a fresh water source.

Groundwater is water held underground in the soil or in pores in rocks. The earth has been recycling water for 4 billion years. The water cycle has no beginning or end. It is continuous. The sun heats up the water from the oceans, lakes and rivers. The water changes into water vapor by the process of evaporation. Plants also lose water in the form of water vapor from their leaves into the air by the process of transpiration. Water collects of water vapor in the sky and makes clouds. When the water in the clouds gets cold it becomes liquid again in a process called condensation. Then the water falls from the sky as rain, snow, sleet or hail called precipitation. The water sinks into the surface and collects into lakes, oceans and rivers. It evaporates all over again and continues the cycle.

United States River trivia game

World River trivia game

Groundwater Education Game

Water Cycle

Wastewater Treatment Planet Game

Water - A Never-ending Story

Safe Drinking Water

Water Treatment games

Fun Classroom Games with Trees

Forest Biome Spotter

Arctic Ocean Biome Ecosystem

The Forest Hunter Blue Planet

Life in the Forest Biome Habitat game

Simple Identification Guide for: Habitat in the Pond

Water Safari life in the Biome game

Ecosystem Showdown Forest Habitat  game

Biodiversity Forest Biome Games

Bass Fishing River Habitat Games like Asteroids

Fish, Coral, Marine Animals

Science Games

Pond Life

Science Games






Under the Sea

The Rock Cycle

Water Cycle for Kids

Carbon Cycle for Kids


Safe Drinking Water games

The Water Cycle

Groundwater and Watersheds