The environment is the circumstances and conditions that surround us. It involves the complex physical, chemical and biological factors like climate, soil and living things that act upon an organism or an ecological community that ultimately determine its form and its survival. In short the environment is the surroundings or conditions in which a person or animal lives and operates.

Biological diversity, or biodiversity, is important to the health of the world's ecosystems. The variety within and between all species of plants, animals and microorganisms and the ecosystems where they live and interact is biodiversity. The diversity of species is not evenly distributed throughout the planet because life depends on factors like temperature, altitude, brain and the presence of other species. We can prove this because tropical regions support more life than polar regions. Biodiversity is important to sustaining life on earth because it prevents anyone species from throwing the balance of nature out of order.

Life in a small habitat, like a pond, can teach you about the lifecycle of many different plants and animals that live in and around  a pond. A pond is a specialized ecosystem and contains insects, birds, reptiles, mammals and fish. Ponds are small freshwater habitats that provide a home to many plants and animals. Many of the creatures that live in a pond are too small to be seen with the naked eye. Inside the water are tiny floating organisms called plankton. Plankton can either be animal or plant like. An ecosystem is a biological community of interacting organisms and their physical environment. An ecosystem includes all of the living things in a given area. An ecosystem would include plants, animals and organisms. These living creatures interact with nonliving environments including the rocks, sand and soil. In an ecosystem each organism has its own role to play.

Environment Games

Biodiversity Environment for the classroom

Biodiversity - Everything Counts!

Dandy the Cave Explorer Game

Simple Identification Guide for: Life in the Pond

Water Safari life in the pond game

Ecosystem game

Ocean Marine Animal Game

Help the Old Man of the Sea Catch Fish Game

Dolphin Dive Action Game

My Aquarium Fish Game for Kids

Hook the Fish game for kids

Fishing game

Bass Fishing Games like Asteroids

Fish, Coral, Marine Animals

Science Games



