Soil is the upper layer of earth in which plants grow. Soil is generally black or dark brown material typically consisting of a mixture of organic remains, Clay, and rock particles. The layers of the earth include the crust which is 1% of Earth's volume, the mantle which is 84%, and the core inner and outer combine making up 15%. The crust of the earth is the solid crust on the outermost edges, it is the thinnest layer of our planet. The crust averages 25 miles in thickness is divided up into 15 major tectonic plates. The mantle of the earth is very hot 500 to 900°C, and it is a dense and moves as semi solid rock. The outer core is mostly iron and nickel in liquid form. The inner core is the hottest part of our planet temperatures between 5000 and 7000°C is very thick and composed mostly of iron. The iron is under so much pressure it cannot melt and stays in solid-state.

Rocks are solid mineral material forming part of the surface of the earth and other similar planets exposed on the surface or underlying the soil or ocean. Rocks are naturally occurring minerals that can consist of a single mineral or of several minerals that are either tightly compacted or held together by submit like mineral matrix.

The rock cycle is the process where rocks of one kind change into rocks of another kind. There are three main kinds of rocks igneous rock, metamorphic rock, and sedimentary rock. Metamorphic rock is rock that has been heated and squeezed. It can erode into sediment or melt into magma.

Soil Games

The Scoop on Soil

Dig It - The Secrets of Soil

The Answer Worm

Soil Games

Soil Layers game

What is soil? It's not just dirt (for kids) - bedrock, parent rock, subsoil and topsoil)

Soil Puzzle (flash)

Soil and the Science Teacher

Geology Game - Rock Types

All rocks are not the same

Rocks and Soils

Rocks for Kids

The Rock Cycle for Kids


The Rock Cycle (Interactive)

Rock Cycle Animation