What is the difference between a habitat and a
niche? Habitat is the general place where an organism lives. A niche
is how an organism lives in a range of physical and biological
conditions in the way a species acquires what it needs to reproduce
and survive.
How is niche like a profession? I niche is like
a profession because everybody has a different job. If everybody in
the world wanted to be one single profession, like being a Baker,
then nothing else in the world would ever get done. Professions are
finding your specialty, your place, or your niche in the world. The
world needs Baker's, a Baker manager, a marketing expert to sell
your baked goods, advertising sales reps to go out and put together
TV ads, consumers to eat your baked goods, a banker to help you with
your funds that you make from baking and so on and so on. If
everybody did nothing but the baking nothing else would get done.
In ecological terms describe your niche? In
ecological terms my niche is to be a carnivorous student at
Bainbridge island high school. I am in the middle of the food chain.
I eat fruits, vegetables, wheat and I am carnivorous. Above me in
the food chain are predators and most adults who seem to run things.
What is competition? Competition in biology is
when two organisms are both after a finite resource and the
environment. Organisms compete for food, mates and a place to live.
Why can't two organisms compete if they live in
two different habitats? If two species lived in different habitats
they cannot compete because they have to be going after the same
finite resource in the same area for to be considered competition.
If they're are two or more species competing for the same finite
resource you have a competition, if the resource is easy to find and
no one else's after it there cannot be a competition.
Describe how three species of warblers have
divided their resources. Does each warbler have its own niche? The
three species of warblers have divided up the resources so they are
not in competition with one another they have found their own niche
inside the trees. One warbler only eats bugs at the tops of the
trees, one eats bugs in the middle of the trees one eats bugs on the
bottom branches of the trees. They have each found their own niche,
their own area, where there is no competition from other warblers.
What is a keystone species? A keystone species
is one species that is unusually important in a habitat. It is a
species that has a great effect on the other species around them if
their numbers either decrease or increase dramatically the ecology
of the area changes dramatically.
How can a dramatic decrease in vegetation lead
to a decrease in prey species? A dramatic decrease in vegetation can
lead to an increase in prey species because without vegetation there
is nothing for the bugs to eat. The bugs have nothing to eat and the
birds have nothing to eat because they eat bugs. Rats and mice also
eat the vegetation and without vegetation they would die off as
well. Predators like werewolves eat birds and mice and rats and
because their numbers have greatly decreased the number of wolves
would also decrease. Because everything in the wild eats everything
else through the circle of life if the bottom of the food cycle, or
vegetation, dies off it will affect every creature that feeds on the
one before it.
What is the symbiosis? What are three main
types of symbiosis? Symbiosis is a relationship where two organisms
live closely together the three types of sin by doses include
parasitism, mutualism and commonscalism.
Bacteria in a cows stomach helps the cow break
down cellulose in grass, gaining nutrients in the process is this an
example of communalism or mutualism?
The bacteria and cows stomach is perfectly normal and helps the cow
break down cellulose and grass is a good example of mutualism
because the bacteria needs the cows stomach contents an account
needs the grass to be broken down.
What is the difference between predator and
parasite? A parasite lives on or in an animal and harms it in some
way either physically or by slowly taking away its food source for
example. A predator it's an organism that hunts and kills other
organisms for food. A predator in a parasite are different because a
parasite benefits while a host is harmed and a predator and the life
of prey helping itself and destroying the other.
The suffix ism means the act, practice or
result of. Look up mutual and tell me the definition of mutualism
Mutualism means the act or practice of two
organisms of different species exists in a relationship in which
each individual benefits.
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