Ancient Mesopotamia
Sumer, Babylon, Assyria for Kids
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for Kids
The ancient civilizations of Mesopotamia were located in the region now known as the Middle East. It is part of an area that was known as the "cradle of civilization". Early societies in this region are among some of the earliest known human civilizations on earth. Humans first settled this area around 14,000 BC. Thousands of years later farming communities grew and the domestication of animals and irrigation techniques allowed for larger communities to grow into small cities. These civilizations developed some of the most important achievements in human history including the invention of the wheel, cursive writing, mathematics, astronomy and agriculture. Mesopotamian mathematics and science was based on a base 60 system. This is the source of the 60 minute hour, the 24 hour day, and the 360° circle. The calendar had three 7 day weeks of the lunar month. This form of mathematics was instrumental in early map making. Babylonian astronomers were very adept at predicting eclipses and solstices. The very origins of astronomy as well as astrology come from ancient Mesopotamia. Sumerian temples functioned as banks and developed the first system of credit and loans. Much of what we know about Mesopotamian history comes from thousands of clay tablets found in the library at the Syrian city of Nineveh.
Ancient Mesopotamia activities and games:
The importance of geography in Ancient Mesopotamia
Early Pioneers in Ancient Mesopotamia, settling down
What does it take for a group of people to become a civilization?
Trade & Commerce, Clay Balls and Tokens
Story: The Legend of Gilgamesh
Myth: How Marduk Became King of ALL the Gods