Ancient Rome
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The ancient city of Rome was the center of one of the largest and most powerful empires the world has ever known. As the Roman Empire took over more land its influence spread. Ancient Rome made many lasting contributions to world culture. The Romans absorbed the culture of the people that they conquered as well. Painting, sculpture and other forms of art were very important to the Romans. Architects built large buildings that were central to Roman life. Many of these buildings are still standing, including the Colosseum. The achievements of these early Romans influenced the languages, literature, laws, buildings and government of all of Europe. The most comprehensive site on the Internet about ancient Rome can be found HERE.
Roman Games & Activities for Kids:
Quick Comparison: Ancient Greeks, Romans
Geography, Natural Resources, Maps
Timelines Ancient Rome
Gods & Goddesses Ancient Rome
Improvements Ancient Rome
Status of Women Ancient Rome
Daily Life in Ancient Rome
Food in Ancient Rome Breakfast , Afternoon, Siestas, Dinner
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