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Vikings were seafaring and generally from southern Scandinavia which included present-day Denmark, Norway and Sweden. There were Vikings between the late 8th - 11th centuries.Vikings established settlements and governments in the British Isles, Ireland, Iceland, Greenland, Normandie, and the Volga trade route in what is now European Russia, Belarus and the Ukraine. The Vikings spoke Old Norse and made inscriptions in runes. The Vikings have their own laws, art and architecture. The Vikings were an advanced civilization of farmers, fishermen, craftsmen and traders. Current pop-culture representations of the Vikings are based on cultural clichés, for example, there is no evidence they ever wore horned helmets at all. Viking navigators opened the roads to new lands to the north, west and east going further then Iceland and Greenland all the way to a short-lived settlement in Newfoundland in 1000. Many common words in everyday English language, including the days of the week, are from the Vikings. Thursday means Thor's Day, and Friday means Frey's Day.
Viking Games, Crafts and Activities:
Vikings BBC fun info for kids
Games ancient Celts played with balls
How do we Know The Science behind Archaeology
Food from Early Angle-Saxon era
Assemble a Viking Proverb (online)
The Vikings (PBS Nova) Viking Ships,Maps, Houses,Timelines
Vikings (longboats, raiders, learning module)
The Vikings - Viking Craft Ideas
Ships and Pirates from Vikings & Angle-Saxon era
Feasts and Fasting from Early Angle-Saxon era
Anglo-Saxon Games
Anglo-Saxon Weapons and Warfare
Anglo-Saxon Military Organization
Anglo-Saxon Houses and Furniture
Anglo Saxon Social Organization
Pastimes (sports, music, dancing, etc.)
How Celtic Warriors embalmed heads of enemies
The Mabinogion Stories & Myths
Suggested Reading for Kids;
JOURNEY FOR A PRINCESS by Margaret Leighton