Language arts a syllable is a unit of organization for sequence of speech sounds. Syllables are often considered the phonological building blocks of words.

Speech can usually be divided up into a number of syllables.

  • A word that consists of a single syllable, like the word dog, is called a monosyllable.

  • A word that consists of two syllables is called a disyllable.

  • A word with three syllables is a trisyllable

  • Any word with more than three syllables is called a polysyllable.

Syllable Games

Alphabats Syllables

Chunk that Word - Syllables

Syllable games - Break it up

Syllable Slurp

Counting Syllables interactive quiz

Syllables Scratch Garden (animated video)

What is a syllable? Open and Closed syllables (animated video)

Syllable Division (animated)

Syllables (grammar, animated)

Language Arts

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