Force is defined as a push or a pole of an object that causes the object to slow down, speed up or stay in one place. Force generally causes an object to move. Friction and gravity are two types of forces that influence how objects move. The force of friction is the force that acts to slow an object down as you ride your bike through town and you encounter sand, your bike will slow down, because sand is a type of friction it is a force working against your legs as they push against the pedals. The force of gravity is pulling objects towards the Earth's center. When a ball is thrown in the air it slows down and falls back to the ground, that is because gravity pulls the ball back towards the earth. Everything on earth is influenced by the force of gravity. Push and pull forces are opposites meaning they move objects in different directions

Games about Force Friction and Gravity

Seymour Science Force Game - What are the different forces?

Gravity Games

Friction Games

Magnetic Forces

Magnets and Springs

See Also:

Nuclear Fission Impossible Game

Nuclear fusion energy game

Chemical Reaction Nuclear fission Mania Rat Game

If You Don't React You Better Escape chemical nuclear fusion reaction game

Create a Compound with Chemical Bonding Game

Chemical Compound Conundrum Game

Chemicals Chemicals Everywhere! Math Game

Atomic Structure Atom Busting Game

Exploring atomic bonds game

The World of Atoms Atomic Structure Game

Elemental Sorting on the Periodic Table game

Solids Liquids or Gases atomic structure game

Protons Neutrons and Electrons Game

Build an Atom Game

Science Games

Atomic Structure Games

Periodic Table Games

pH Scale Games

Chemistry Games

Acids and Bases